The "bad" news: basic service will no longer be free.
The good news: they seem likely to stick around for their customers.
"Dear member,
This letter is to announce that in early June we'll be introducing Bigstep 2.0, a new version of our service with lots of new features for a broader range of small businesses. As part of this transition, we'll be asking all of our members to sign up for one of three new Bigstep Services, ranging in price from $9.95 to $34.95 per month, by June 30th.
Why the change? Though we've all heard the news about struggling dot coms recently, I'm happy to say that, thanks to your support, is alive and well. We have money in the bank, enthusiastic investors, and thousands of successful members. Nevertheless, the reality is that the cost of serving all our members still exceeds the revenue we bring in. In order to serve all of our members better, we need to ask everyone to take on a more equitable share of what it costs to sustain your web sites. This will also allow us to make more of you happier by adding the new features you've been requesting."